
招生暨入學資訊(Admission Information, Thông tin tuyển sinh và nhập học)

一、國際專修部重要規定(Important Regulations of International Foundation Program)


International, Overseas Chinese/Hong Kong/Macao Students can apply with a high school diploma from outside Taiwan are eligible to apply for undergraduate programs.


Applicant eligibility must comply and meet with the “Standards for Recognition of Equivalent Educational Levels for University Admission”, “Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan” of the Ministry of Education and “Taipei City University of Science and Technology Admission Regulations for International Students ”.


Students who apply for the International Foundation Program do not need to submit the Chinese language proficiency certificate.


Students may not apply to transfer to other department or university during the study in the Chinese Preparation program. However, after studied one year in the admitted department, students may apply to transfer to departments related to Manufacturing, Construction, Agriculture, Long-Term Care, E-Commerce and Services fields.


Students applying for International Foundation Program in Taiwan shall be limited to one application only. If the students interrupted the study by special reasons, students may apply again after get approved by the Ministry of Education. Upon completion of the course of study, at a school in Taiwan, to which an international student has applied, the student's admission to another school’s academic level shall be handled in a manner identical to the admission procedures for local students. An exception is that an application for a master’s degree or higher levels of graduate studies can be processed under the procedures of each individual school. Student who had took bachelor’s program at Taiwan’s universities should NOT apply for bachelor’s program as “new students”.


Students who enroll in the International Foundation Program need to reach at least A2 level of TOCFL within one year in this program, and then the students can bridge to the department which they applied for.


Dropped out of the International Foundation Program for some reason may no longer apply to study in the International Programs of Industry-Academia Collaboration and the International Foundation Program.


二、就學說明(Period of Study)

(一)專修部修業為1+4年課程,第一年修習華語課程(不須華語基礎),培養華語能力基礎,學生達華語文測驗 TOCFL A2 標準,即可續留進入申請相關領域科系專班就讀。

(International Foundation Program is a 1+4 program. One year for Pre-matriculation Mandarin Class Section(Chinese language beginners are eligible to apply) and enter the 4-year special class after pass TOCFL A2.)

1. 華語先修課程至少720小時。

Courses length will be more than 15 hours every week and at least 720 hours in total.

2. 修習華語先修課期間需達到華語文能力測驗 (TOCFL)聽力與閱讀測驗 Level 2 基礎級(A2級)標準,以銜接正式學位課程。

By the end of the Chinese Language courses, students need to pass the level 2 (A2) of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) in listening and reading to continue to study for the Bachelor program.

3. 未達上述標準者,將由學校通報退學,學生須依規定離境。

Students who failed to pass the test are not allowed to continue studying. The school will report their conditions to the Ministry of Education, and students will have to leave Taiwan as required.

4. 華語先修期間不得轉系或轉學,亦不得休學。

During the studying of International Foundation Program, preparatory students are not allowed to transfer to another department or school, nor are they allowed to take a leave of absence.

(二)第二年~第五年 : 正式修讀學位生課程。

Second to Fifth Year: officially enrolling in a bachelor’s program.


After 1 year of formal study in the Bachelor program, students are allowed to apply for a transfer to academic departments in manufacturing, construction, agriculture and long-term care, e-commerce industry and service industry within the university or at other universities.

三、招生系別資訊(Department information)

  1. 資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
  2. 機械工程系 Department of Mechanical Engineering
  3. 電機工程系 Department of Electrical Engineering
  4. 餐飲事業系 Department of Food & Beverage Management
  5. 觀光事業系 Department of Tourism and Hospitality
  6. 行銷與流通管理系 Department of Marketing & Logistics Management

四、重要時程(Application dates)


Spring Semester 2025 (February Enrollment)

截止日期 Application Deadline

before November 15, 2024

錄取公告 Results Notification

(According to the actual announcement date)

December 13, 2024

註冊入學 Registration

February 14, 2025

開始上課日 Courses Start

February 17, 2025

五、申請須知(Application instructions)


Applicants should meet the categories of identity qualifications and their adequate scholastic ability for international students, overseas Chinese students, and students from Hong Kong and Macao.

(二)申請文件(英文版如招生簡章,越南文版申請文件請按此下載。 For the Vietnamese version, please click here.):

1.入學申請表。Fill out the application forms and prepare the following required documents.

2.護照影本或國籍證明。A copy of a valid passport or certificate of nationality.

3.最高學歷證明文件。Certificate, diploma or degree of education.

4.最高學歷之歷年成績單。Official academic transcripts of education.

5.報名資格切結書。Please fill out the Declaration form based on your identity and status and sign.

6.財力證明書(帳戶存金額至少美金3,500元或新台幣100,000元)。Financial statement with a minimum balance of US$ 3,500 or NT$ 100,000, related documents need to be issued by the bank.

7.其他優異表現證明。Other supporting documents for review.(optional)

六、學雜費與獎助學金(Tuition Fees and Scholarship)






(Tuition and Fees)




(Accommodation scholarshop)


First year (Semester)


College of Engineering

NTD 50,000

NTD 25,000

NTD 9,500


College of Ecology

NTD 45,000

NTD 20,000


College of Business and Management

NTD 45,000

NTD 20,000


Second to fifth year(Semester)


College of Engineering

NTD 52,176


College of Ecology

NTD 45,543


College of Business and Management

NTD 45,543

七、學雜費退費基準(Tuition and Miscellaneous Fee Collection and Refund Criteria)


Application week


1~6 weeks after new semester start


7~12 weeks after new semester start


13 weeks after new semester start


Refund basis


Refund two-thirds of tuition and fees(The student group insurance premium is not included in the refund.)


Refund one-thirds of tuition and fees(The student group insurance premium is not included in the refund.)


No refund.

八、其他未盡事項請參閱招生簡章For other matters not covered, please refer to the admission brochure.

九、2025春季班招生簡章。Spring Semester 2025 Application Handbook.

