
The recruitment of international students in Taipei City University of Science and Technology is not outsourced. If applicants have any questions, they can contact the International Foundation Program for inquiries.



    專修部修業為1+4年課程,第一年修習華語課程,培養華語能力基礎,學生達華語文測驗 TOCFL A2 標準,即可續留進入申請相關領域科系專班就讀。

(International Foundation Program is a 1+4 program. One year for Pre-matriculation Mandarin Class Section and enter the 4-year special class after pass TOCFL A2.)

一、招生系別資訊(Department information):

  1. 資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
  2. 機械工程系 Department of Mechanical Engineering
  3. 電機工程系 Department of Electrical Engineering
  4. 餐飲事業系 Department of Food & Beverage Management
  5. 觀光事業系 Department of Tourism and Hospitality
  6. 行銷與流通管理系 Department of Marketing & Logistics Management

二、重要時程(Application dates):


Fall Semester 2024 (September Enrollment)

截止日期 Application Deadline

before July 15, 2024

錄取公告 Results Notification

(According to the actual announcement date)

August 30, 2024

註冊入學 Registration

September , 2024

開始上課日 Courses Start

September 9 , 2024

三、申請入學招生簡章(Admission Guidelines):


