


    專修部修業為1+4年課程,第一年修習華語課程,培養華語能力基礎,學生達華語文測驗 TOCFL A2 標準,即可續留進入申請相關領域科系專班就讀。

(International Foundation Program is a 1+4 program. One year for Pre-matriculation Mandarin Class Section and enter the 4-year special class after pass TOCFL A2.)

一、招生系別資訊(Department information):

  1. 資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
  2. 機械工程系 Department of Mechanical Engineering
  3. 電機工程系 Department of Electrical Engineering
  4. 餐飲事業系 Department of Food & Beverage Management
  5. 觀光事業系 Department of Tourism and Hospitality
  6. 行銷與流通管理系 Department of Marketing & Logistics Management

二、重要時程(Application dates):


Fall Semester 2024 (September Enrollment)

截止日期 Application Deadline

before July 15, 2024

錄取公告 Results Notification

(According to the actual announcement date)

August 13, 2024

註冊入學 Registration

September , 2024

開始上課日 Courses Start

September 9 , 2024

三、申請入學招生簡章(Admission Guidelines):


