


申請國際專修部2025年(114學年度)秋季班(敬請期待 Stay tuned Hãy theo dõi)

Stay tuned to Applied for the 2025 fall class of  the International Fundation Program.

<線上申請 Online application (Closed)>


 Preparatory enrollment for the spring class of International Foundation Program(Spring Semester 2025. Feb.)

Please read international admission information before you start your application.

Please read TPCU On-Line Application Procedure and get familiar with application process before you start your application.

Incomplete or unclear information will be deemed as unsuccessful registration

在開始填入您的個人資料前,請先瀏覽本校國際處相關網頁資 、簡章及文件資料
請先閱讀 本校網路申請流程 ,再開始進行網路報名(資料不齊全或模糊不清者視為報名不成功):

1.確認申請資格及申請科系 Decide the program you apply for and make sure you are eligible to apply the program.

2.準備上傳文件 Prepare the documents that should be.

3.上網填寫報名資料 Fill out online application forms.

4.上傳申請文件 Upload the required documents.

5.通知申請完成 Receive the notification of completion.

6.審查合格者通知面試,面試時繳齊相關文件。After passing the review, you will be notified of the interview. Please submit all relevant documents during the interview.